Title: The Princess and the Pea
Author: Hans Christen Andersen
Genre: Traditional Literature
Summary: There once was a prince, who was looking for a princess to marry. But not just any princess, he wanted to marry a REAL princess. So off he went looking for a real princess. After a long search he returned to his home one night, troubled that he couldn’t find the right real princess. All of the sudden there was a knock at the door and outside was a princess who was such a site, because the wind had messed up her hair, and there was rain was dripping and drenched all of her clothes and shoes. She claimed to be a real princess, and her mother decided to test it out. She put 20 mattresses on top of each other and underneath all of them, she put a single pea. The next morning, she asked the princess how she slept. To their surprise, she had slept awful. She was covered in bruises from that awful pea. Convinced, the prince and the princess were soon engaged, and the famous pea was put in a museum.
Reaction: I thought this was a really cute story and one that was much appreciated. I remember reading this as a child, and thinking it would be the funniest thing ever if the princess fell off the bed during the night.
Recommendation: I’d recommend this story to any child of any age. Even at 22, I was able to enjoy this tale the same as I did when I was 4 years old.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I don’t think I could find a reason not to like this tale. It was cute, cleaver, and fun to read.
Title: The Saucy Boy
Author: Han Christen Anderson
Genre: Traditional Literature
Summary: An older man, was warmed up in his home, while there was an awful storm outside. He hears knocking, and opens it to find a naked little boy with an arrow. Sure that the boy would perish outside in the storm, he lets him in, warms him up and gets him some hot food. The boy decides to go once the storm has let up, and grabs his bow. The older man, thinking that the bow is defective, tells the young boy that his bow is unable to be used yet. The little boy turns to him, tells him that his name is Cupid, and that the bow works perfectly. He shoots the older man in the heart and the runs away. The older man goes and tells all the others of the evil Cupid, so that they can save themselves from this Cupid.
Reaction: I thought this book was rather disgusting. First off, the little boy is naked, and he’s dancing around with the older man. Then he shoots him in the heart. I just wasn’t very impressed with this book, and I’d honestly rather not read it again.
Recommendation: I wouldn’t recommend this book to many children unless they are of an older age. I just don’t feel like younger children would appreciate it, and I didn’t feel that the message sent across was a good one.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I honestly thought that this tale was disgusting and slightly perverted. I wish that the older man had gotten some clothes on the boy before he sat him on his lap, and danced around with him.
Title: The Ugly Duckling
Author: Hans Christen Anderson
Genre: Traditional Literature
Summary: There was a duck who laid many eggs, and the last egg to hatch was that of the Ugly Duckling. He was so hideous that no one wanted to talk to him or be his friend. He was constantly made fun of, for he didn’t look like the other ducks. One day, he saw beautiful swans flying south for the winter, and he longed to be them. He tried to stretch his neck like they do, and make the same sound, but it only frightened him. One day, he is captured and nearly eaten for dinner. Luckily he escapes and flies to meet the beautiful birds. Expecting the same reaction that he’s gotten all his life, he ducks in embarrassment, but they did something that he wasn’t used to. They were excited to meet him, and claimed that another swan had joined them. They call him beautiful, and the most fair of all the ducks. He had turned into a beautiful swan.
Reaction: I think this is an amazingly sweet tale. The message is one of not judging, and the impact that judging someone on their outward appearance can have on a person. I loved this tale, and I was thoroughly reading it. I couldn’t wait to read the end of it.
Recommendation: I’d recommend this to any child at a young age, as well as children that are having a hard time fitting in.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I didn’t really see any problem with this book. I just continuously felt bad for the ugly duckling, and wished that the other ducks weren’t mean to him.
Title: The Loveliest Rose in the World
Author: Hans Christen Andersen
Genre: Traditional Literature
Summary: This is a tale about a queen who is on her death bed. The only way to save her is for one to bring her the most loveliest rose in the world. Far and wide, roses are brought to her bedside, but none of the flowers are that of the loveliest rose. Finally, after several tries, her son comes up to her bed and reads to her of the book of Him who died (AKA Christ). It’s beneath her tears that she sees the rose of which they have talked about. Whoever holds this flower, is given life, and shall never die.
Reaction: I actually cried at the end of this book. I thought it was very sweet, how people everywhere wer trying to save the queen, and then it was her little son who ended up saving her. But what I loved more than that was the fact that religion was brought into this tale. It was so special and I was very touched at the spiritual-ness of this tale.
Recommendation: I would recommend this book to not only children but adults as well. The message was clear and beautiful. I was thoroughly impressed with this book, and couldn’t believe how sweet it was.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I didn’t find a single problem with this book. I loved it!
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