Title: “Farmer Boy”
Author: Laura Ingles Wilder
Genre: Non Fiction
Publisher: Harper and Brothers
Copyright Date: 1987
Pages in Book: 372 pages
Reading Level: 4-7 grade
Summary: Almanzo is a young boy (and Laura Ingles Wilder’s future husband) who works hard on the farm to prove his himself, because of how very small he is. He has three other siblings, Royal, Alice and Eliza Jane. He craves to have a horse, and strives to show his father that he is responsible enough to own one. Throughout the book, you see Almanzo’s adventures from taking an apprenticeship all the way up to a crazy weekend when his parents are gone for the weekend, and everything goes wrong. He ends up receiving a colt at the age of ten, and begins training Star.
Reaction: I thought this book was such a fun, and inspired book, and to know that it was based off a real live story made it that much more interesting. Almanzo seems like such a fun spirited young boy, and the entire story through, I was captivated by it. Laura did an excellent job with this book, and personal y its’ my favorite one of hers.
Recommendation: I would recommend this story to ANY child of all ages. It’s such a fun story, with many parts that keep you at the edge of your seat. Mothers could read this story to her children, and they would still be able to understand it, and enjoy it fully.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I have no problems with this book. It was amazing, and so well written.
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