Title: “The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey”
Author: Susan Wojciechoswski
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Copyright Date: 1995
Pages in Book: 34
Reading Level: K-4 grade
Summary: The story of Jonathan Toomey is one of mixed emotions. He is a local carpenter who is known to the town as being gloomy. He never smiled, never laughed, and never made a sound more than a grunt. But there was a reason to his silence and sadness. Years ago, his wife and little child died days apart from each other. It was in the days before good doctors and medicine, so there wasn’t much that he could do for them. So he packed up his belongings and moved to this little town. One day, the Widow McDowell and her son Thomas stopped by his workplace. Together they asked Jonathan if he would be able to carve a replica of their nativity scene, which they seemed to lose in their move to the city. He agreed, and said that the pieces “will be ready when they are ready”. Days later, a knock is heard at the door, and the Widow McDowell and Thomas are there. Timidly, they ask if Thomas can sit and watch as Jonathan carves the pieces. Jonathan agrees and continues to work. This continues for several days, but each time that Thomas comes, he informs Jonathan that he is carving the figurine wrong. “My cows were happy, or Joseph looked like he’s serious”. The widow McDowell just sat in the corner, and knit a red scarf. Each time that the two would come over, Jonathan would come to life just a little bit more. Once he arrives to the last figurine, he is stumped. He wants to get Mary and Jesus PERFECT for them. But sketch after sketch, he comes up with nothing. Suddenly, he goes to the corner where there’s a chest, full of things that belonged to his wife and baby. He reaches in and picks up a picture of them, and begins to carve. The next day, Christmas Eve, Jonathan delivers the nativity figurines to the Widow McDowell. Overjoyed, they all look down at the masterpiece. Jonathan goes to church services, with Thomas’s hand in his, and laughs. The town never called him “gloomy” again.
Reaction: I thought this book was absolutely amazing. Amazing. The illustrations were beautiful, the written was wonderfully done, and the emotions that were brought to the book were incredible. I was immediately captivated by this book, and couldn’t put it down. It’s one that I intend on reading for several years to come.
Recommendation: I would recommend this book to ANYONE. It brings such a sweet spirit into the room, and anyone that hears it, would get such a sweet feeling from it. It’s a pretty easy read, and one that I feel would be appropriate for anytime of the year.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I don’t have a single problem with this book. Out of all the books that I’ve read, this might possibly be one of my favorites.
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