Title: Are You My Mother?
Author: P.D. Eastman
Genre: Picture Book
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Copyright Date: 1988
Pages in Book: 72 pages
Reading Level: 5-8 years
Summary: This is a cute little story about a young little bird, which wakes up to find his mother gone. The bird was just born, so he doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t know what his mother looks like, or where she went. So he climbs/flutters out of the tree, and goes on a hunt to find his mother. He begins asking cows and other animals, in the search of his mother. Finally, he runs into a crane, which takes him back to his nest, where his mother is waiting for him with dinner.
Reaction: I think this a very cute story. It sends a good message out to the children, and it ends on a good note. The story line is a happy one, and I enjoyed the book very much.
Recommendation: I’d recommend this book to many children. I think a lot of children would enjoy this book just as much as I did, and they would get the same peace of mind that I did.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: The only thing that I could see wrong with this book, is what about the children that didn’t have a mother growing up. Either she ran out on them, died, or got a divorce and never saw her child. How would the children who are in this situation react? Is it something that they would even need to read about?
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