Title: Katy and the Big Snow
Author: Virginia Lee Burton
Genre: Picture Book
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Copyright Date: 1976
Pages in Book: 40 pages
Reading Level: 3-6 years
Summary: This is a story about Katy the truck. She can do anything that she puts her mind too. Nothing can stop her. In the summer, she drives the bulldozer around and helps the city of Geoppolis with their streets. Then during the winter she plows the roads clear of snow. One winter, the snow kept coming and coming and before anyone knew it, there was snow way past second stories of people homes. So out went Katy, and she dug out a path for the Fire Department, Mail man, telephone company, water company, etc. She saved the entire city, and it wasn’t until they were all saved and dug out that she went home to rest.
Reaction: I thought it was a cute story, but probably not one that I would read. I originally read the book because the main character and I have the same name, but once I started reading it, I got bored rather easily.
Recommendation: I’d definitely recommend this book to younger children. I think if older kids wanted to read this, that would be fine, but they would get bored quickly.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I didn’t like how many pages it went on and on saying that Katy dug out. After about 3 pages, I think the children would have gotten the idea, but the author kept going and going. It was a rather repetitive book.
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