Title: “Children Like Me”
Author: Anabel Kindersley
Genre: Informational
Publisher: DK Publishing, Inc.
Copyright Date: 1995
Pages in Book: 80 pages
Reading Level: 8-11 years
Summary: This book is about all the children around the world. It tells of their names, where their from, what their families are like, how they dress, what some national customs are from that area, etc. This book is pretty much informing the children of what other children’s lives are like, outside of the United States.
Reaction: I thought that this was a good book, but I wasn’t very interested in the book. I thought it was one that I probably wouldn’t have read when I was younger.
Recommendation: I’d recommend this book, probably to children who were actually interested in learning more about other children all over the world, and wanted to know things, such as that.
Potential Problems/Conflicts: I just didn’t think that the book needed to be that big, nor did it need to have that small of print. The book had a lot of pictures, which I appreciated, but other than that, there was a lot of information on the paper, and so it was very distracting.
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